The Risk of Lepto to Vet Staff & Pet Owners

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Leptospirosis poses several dangers to veterinary staff and pet owners, primarily due to the ease with which the disease can be transmitted from animals to humans. Here are the key risks associated with this zoonotic disease: Preventive Measures: To minimize these risks, it is crucial to take preventive measures, including: Understanding and respecting the dangers…

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What are Common Zoonotic Diseases?

Zoonotic diseases are infections that can be transmitted from animals to humans. These diseases can be caused by a variety of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. The transmission can occur in various ways, such as through direct contact with infected animals, through vectors like ticks and mosquitoes, or through contaminated food and water.…

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The Cost of NOT Vaccinating

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“Does my dog really need to get vaccinated?” You might think that you’re saving a few dollars by not getting your dog vaccinated, but failing to vaccinate can have serious health consequences for your animal companion. Vaccinations protect against potentially deadly diseases such as distemper, canine parvovirus, rabies and feline leukemia virus. Unvaccinated animals may…

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What Is Leptospirosis | Lepto in Dogs

image of Leptospirosis bacteria

What is Leptospirosis? Leptospirosis is a (spiral shaped) bacteria that lives in standing water and warm, wet soil, predominantly transmitted to dogs and humans through infected urine.   Most commonly, indirect transmission occurs through exposure of animals to water sources, soil, food or bedding that is contaminated. Leptospires can penetrate mucous membranes (gums, sinuses) and wet or broken skin. Your…

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Can Dogs Get Coronavirus? Coronavirus in Dogs

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What Is Coronavirus? The Coronavirus that we are hearing about on the news is NOT Canine Coronavirus.  However, your dog or cat could transmit human (Wuhan, China) Coronavirus to you, through general contact, if they subjected to it somewhere else. The fact is that no dogs or cats have been infected with Human (Wuhan) Coronavirus,…

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