Pet Surgery

pet surgery in clearwater

Surgical procedure on a Labrador.

Your pet may need surgery.

While not the best scenario, dogs and cats occasionally need surgery. Here are some of the most common surgical procedures performed on both cats and dogs:

Bladder Stones & Urethral Blockages: Bladder stones and urethral blockages can be painful for your pet and can be caused by an infection or a mineral imbalance. These conditions can be extremely serious, and surgery is often required to remove them.

Dental Surgery: Dental issues, such as extractions or root canals, are sometimes necessary for pets suffering from periodontal disease or injured teeth. In some cases, dental surgery may involve repairing broken canine teeth or extracting damaged molars.

Gastrointestinal Issues: Gastrointestinal disorders in pets often require surgery in order to diagnose and treat the issue. This includes endoscopic exams or exploratory surgery where small incisions are made on the abdomen so that internal organs can be examined for any foreign bodies that need to be removed.

Benign Skin Growths & Skin Abscesses/Lacerations: Benign skin growths such as tumors or cysts can occur in cats and dogs, usually due to bacteria entering through wounds in the skin. In these cases, surgical removal of the growth may be necessary depending on its size and location. Skin abscesses or lacerations may also require stitches or additional treatment if not treated quickly enough with antibiotics.

Fracture Repair & Internal Bleeding: Fracture repair is a type of surgical procedure used when a bone has been broken due to trauma or injury. This type of surgery typically requires general anesthesia and stitches to close up the wound. Internal bleeding may also require emergency surgery depending on its cause and severity; this type of bleeding could indicate a serious medical condition such as a tumor or organ defect that needs further evaluation by a veterinarian immediately.

Intestinal Obstruction Due To Foreign Body & Torn Cruciate/ACL Repair: Intestinal obstructions caused by foreign objects usually require surgery to remove the obstruction before it causes severe damage internally; this type of situation typically requires general anesthesia so that x-rays can be taken inside the body while correcting the obstruction at the same time. Torn cruciate ligaments (also known as an ACL rupture) will also require reconstructive surgery using pins, screws and other materials to stabilize the joint affected by injury due to strain from excessive movement without proper support from muscle tissue surrounding it.

**Mass Or Tumor Removal & Urethral Blockage Removal **: Masses or tumors often need to be surgically removed depending on their size and location; this type of procedure requires precision due to potential complications including nerve damage if conducted incorrectly by an inexperienced practitioner. Urethral blockage removal is another type of surgery that requires special tools and techniques in order for your pet's urinary system to return back into its normal function after the blockage has occurred due to the accumulation of crystals formed within your pet's bladder walls over time due to unbalanced dietary habits or infections within its urinary tract system.

You want the best for your pet, and we want to help you provide the level of care they need. DAMC's team of experienced surgical veterinarians and technicians will educate you on the necessary procedure, after-surgery care, and continued treatment of the surgical site.

If you've been told that your pet needs surgery and you're looking for a second opinion, or even if you suspect that your pet needs surgery for an ailment, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We have veterinary surgeons on staff, and we use the latest technology and equipment to ensure your pet receives the best possible care.

Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate care for your pet before, during, and after surgery. We want you to feel confident that your pet is in good hands at all times. Schedule a consultation today!

Sheltie recovering from surgery

Sheltie recovering from surgery with her toy